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Saturday, October 24, 2009

Happy Birthday To You!♥♥♥
you are more than words that i can say.

Monday, October 19, 2009

♥happy 4th monthsary! :D

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

"P.S I Love You" this movie is damn touching!(:

Too many things happened this month.
OBS,WORKING,CLASS CHALET and blahblahblah..
and im just too lazy to post everything now!(X
hahahas!after all these things that is happening around me,
i just have one thing to say,
which is..

It is really a blessing to have a family.
They are there for you to rely on no matter what happens outside,
they are the one who will forgive you no matter what mistakes you made,
and they,
truly cares for you.

Also,you can have manymany friends.
but how many of them are your true friends?
To give you a shoulder to lie on when you're down,
to share your joy and laughters,
who knows all your flaws & weaknesses
but never leave you in any circumtances.

It is also a gift from heaven to have someone you love and love you back.
spending every single second together is a bonus,
and live no regrets till the very last breath.
& To me,
old couples walking hand-in-hand together,
is the sweetest thing on earth. (: